このIBPS PO Exam Preparation 2021について
Solved Papers With Study Material with Online Mock Tests
Crack exam without coaching
While coaching is a great option, you can crack any govt exam without coaching as well. Stats have shown that most of the students who crack the government exams do it on their own and do not join any coaching. Most of the students travel to different cities to take coaching; however with the new age coaching is not necessary. The basic benefits of preparing without coaching are:
You can stay in the comfort of home.
No worries about food or shelter
No financial tension
You have your family as your support system.
Coping up with rough days becomes easy.
You do not have to look out for ways to rejuvenate yourself.
With so many basic benefits, preparing for any government exam without joining any coaching can be done at ease and in an efficient manner.
Now we shall discuss how to crack the govt exam without coaching. The preparation phase without coaching consist of 3 stages the primary, secondary and tertiary stage. Today we shall be discussing each phase in complete detail and break the Myth that no govt exam can be cracked without coaching.
Indian Railways exams are the most sought after in our country. You can expect the below exams in the coming months.
RRB NTPC exam was expected to be held in April-May 2020 but there is no update yet.
East Central Railway 2020 is a departmental exam to fill a total of 2792 vacancies. This is internal recruitment for various posts. The exam was scheduled for March - April for different posts but no updates on any of the post
RRB Group D exam was expected to be held in April-May 2020 but there is no update yet.
South Eastern Railways: ALP, JE and other posts for internal employees. No updates in this regard.
Key Features of IBPS PO Exam Preparation Series:
offers a lot of features in its IBPS PO Exam Preparation series –
• Exams covered: IBPS PO, Sectional Tests, and Previous year papers
• More than 500 mock tests and sectional tests are available
• Personalized Performance Analysis of your mock test with your All India & State Rank
• Online Mock Tests as per the latest pattern; Section-wise test papers- English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, General and Computer Awareness.
Subjects Covered:
==> English Language –
Spelling Mistakes,
Sentence Improvement,
Idioms and Phrases,
Sentence Formation,
Sentence Reconstruction,
Sentence Improvement One-Word Substitutions,
Fill-Ups, Cloze Test,
Paragraph Formation,
Rearrangement of Words in Sentence,
Rearrangement Of Sentence In Paragraph,
Paragraph Completion,
Spotting Errors,
Sentence Correction,
Grammar Error,
English Comprehension,
Inappropriate Usage Of Words.
==> Quantitative Aptitude -
Number Series,
Ratio & Proportion,
Percentage & Averages,
Profit & Loss,
Mixtures & Allegations,
Simple Interest & Compound Interest,
Time & Work,
Time & Distance,
Sequence & Series,
Quadratic Equation,
Permutation & Combination
==> Reasoning Ability -
Seating Arrangement,
Alphanumeric Series,
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test,
Data sufficiency,
Logical Reasoning
==> Computer Aptitude –
Fundamentals of Computer,
History of Computer,
Internet Office,
Input-Output devices,
Computer Shortcuts
General Awareness – Banking & Financial Awareness, Current Affairs. Static GK
The application offers multiple choice questions (MCQ) of following subjects:
1. Reasoning
2. Quantitative Aptitude
3. English
4. Computer Awareness