IDDI AZZAN Application offers information about IDDI AZZAN, the MP Candidate
IDDI AZZAN mobile Application offers a number of options for users to interact with the application and view relevant information about IDDI AZZAN, the MP Candidate for Kinondoni through Chama cha Mapinduzi. Application offers major four features
This feature gives user information about who is IDDI AZZAN his background details and his career as the politician, Tap on the profile button on the dashboard to view mentioned details
Blog Updates
This feature gives user information about IDDI AZZAN blog updates, it offers information such as his next campaign venue and time, his next event and other plan he like to share with his people through blog post. Tap on the Blog Updates button on the dashboard to view mentioned details
This feature gives user photos view of different events that IDDI AZZAN has been doing or attending as part of his leadership and campaign. Tap on the Gallery button on the dashboard to view mentioned details
Social Contacts
This feature gives user information about IDDI AZZAN social networks contacts such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where his people can follow him and stay up to date with his activities. Tap on the Social Contacts button on the dashboard to view mentioned details