このIntro of Angels Farishtyについて
In Islam, it is believed that angels have been created out of light.
The fundamental articles of faith in Islam are to believe in Allah, His prophets, His revealed books, the angels, the afterlife, and destiny/divine decree. Faith in the unseen world created by Allah is thus a required element of faith in Islam. Among the creatures of the unseen are angels, which are mentioned in the Quran as faithful servants of Allah.
Nature of Angels
In Islam, it is believed that angels have been created out of light, before the creation of humans from clay/earth.
They are naturally obedient creatures, worshipping Allah and carrying out His commands. Angels have no free choice, so it is simply not in their nature to disobey. The Quran says, "They do not disobey Allah's commands that they receive; they do precisely what they are commanded" (Quran 66:6). Angels are genderless and do not require sleep, food, or drink.
Role of Angels
In Arabic, angels are called mala'ika, which means "to assist and help." The Quran describes that angels have been created to worship Allah and carry out His commands: "Everything in the heavens and every creature on the earth prostrates to Allah, as do the angels. They are not puffed up with pride. They fear their Lord above them and do everything they are ordered to do" (Quran 16:49-50). Angels are involved in carrying out duties in both the unseen and physical worlds.