このKiKO - Betaについて
KiKO is a platform that allows you to create and customize timelines of stories based on user creativity. Get more information on what really matters and discover more deeply by digging more information in KiKO such as controversial gossip, news, gaming, music and more. In KiKO, you can get thousands of information in story lines, express yourself in comment section and create your own stories and drew your own story line.
The KiKO app does more than getting you stay connected with your favorite creators. It also helps you to get the recent updates from creators, exploring the latest trending topics, uploading videos, create interactive timeline, liking and commenting stories and discover many more.
Features on the KiKO app include:
* Connect with your favorite creator.
* Get the latest update of information in the trending sections.
* Create and share your own personalize stories.
* Let people know how you express your ideas and thinking through your own creativity timeline.