このKoffi Olomide Songs Free Ringtone 2020について
Koffi Olomideの全曲をまとめました。
All new, old, happy and sad songs of Koffi Olomide are free, completely offline and without internet.
All mp3 program sounds are of excellent quality
Note: You must have enough free internal memory to install the program.
Dislaimer :
The copyright of all content in this application is wholly owned by the creator, musician and music label in question. If you are the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and do not like your song displayed, please contact us through the email developer and tell us about your ownership status on the song.
- Offline application
- Free application
- Next Song automatically
- Very easy to use
- Equipped with lyrics
- Repeat one Sıngle Song
- Repeat All Songs
-Shuffle Play feature
Application features:
1. Works without the Internet
2. Works in the background.
3. Comes to the Top 100 Turkish Songs of the Past
4. Continuous update for every new
5. Beautiful and distinctive shape and easy to use