このLearn Aptitude - For All competitive examsについて
Pocket Aptitudeは、1400以上の適性に関する質問があるプラットフォームです。
Pocket Aptitude is a platform containing 1400 professional aptitude questions to inspire all the students who are willing to attempt Interviews, Competitive Exams, Competitions, Olympiads and more.
As the world is facing rapid industrialization students across India are unable to get employed. Students across India are covered in the shell until a minimum of 18 years. Their decisions are dependent on their parent/guardians and social norms making them weaker when it comes to aptitude and decision-making. On Average most of the students failed to get a satisfactory job due to lack of aptitude and life skills.
SIA Education has developed a single platform that consists 1400+ Aptitude question from 27 wide range of topics