This longevity calculator is based on a detailed statistical analysis.
Curious about how long you'll live? Or how your longevity compares to your peer group? And which changes to your diet and exercise can increase your life expectancy? The Longevity Tool is based on a detailed statistical analysis by the Wharton School’s Professor Dean Foster of the data of over 500,000 respondents gathered by AARP and the National Institute of Health over more than ten years. The Tool asks you questions about your diet and exercise, smoking and drinking habits, and some demographic information. Professor Foster has partnered with the company Abaris to update the data and the tool and make its results easier to understand. Now, you can see your own personal results and how you compare to your peers, based on data from the Society of Actuaries. The Tool has been featured in Time, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and in U.S. News and World Report, among other publications.