このLight Meter Harmonyについて
A simple app displaying the light sensor value from the phone.
To be used in photography, scenic design or whatever you want
Bonus: includes a sound meter and a vibrations meter.
Includes a nice graph. You can make screenshots and pause the meter.
Value is DIRECT from the phone sensor in Lux. It may differ from a normal dedicated luxmeter. Bulb Life App Icon by Nicholas Menghini from The Noun Project http://thenounproject.com/nl_menghini/. Button icons http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/. Libraries used e.keyboardsurfer.android.widget:crouton // com.mikepenz.iconics:library")
A light meter is a device used to measure the amount of light. In photography, a light meter is often used to determine the proper exposure for a photograph. Typically a light meter will include a computer, either digital or analog, which allows the photographer to determine which shutter speed and f-number should be selected for an optimum exposure, given a certain lighting situation and film speed.
Light meters are also used in the fields of cinematography and scenic design, in order to determine the optimum light level for a scene. They are used in the general field of lighting, where they can help to reduce the amount of waste light used in the home, light pollution outdoors, and plant growing to ensure proper light levels.
Inspired by Smart Tools app. ebca3b4630