このLock Diaryについて
Lock Diaryは、ポケットノートブックの究極の暗号化された代替品です。
Lock Diary is the ultimate substitute for your pocket notebook, where you write and store securely all kinds of information that you need at a moments notice, but which needs to be protected. This could be the addresses of your friends, or your own postal address and work address. This could be phone numbers of your family. This could be your passport and visa numbers. This could be your bank login information. This could be all the information about your server, the database passwords, usernames, other passwords. This could be just your brilliant thoughts about solving a problem. Whatever it is, if it is information that is crucial for you, and you need it at a moments notice and you want it protected, LockDiary is the app for you.
When you are exiting the app, the information is encrypted by 448 bit RSA encryption. When you log into the app, the database is decrypted for you. Everything is stored on your phone. The information never goes to any one's server. It is at all times under your control and it is well encrypted.
Keep crucial information secure but quickly accessible.