このMaher Zainについて
The Best Maher Zain Songs.
The official Maher Zain app. Keep up to date with all the latest news, videos, music, tours and more exclusive content. Stay connected with Maher from around the world!
It will never been so easy view the lyrics of Maher Zain while listening to the songs, and surely now, it doesn't even take time to load.
Different than other similar app, not it has a new feature integrated music player that enable you easily use this app. You can simply choose by tapping the song you want to hear from Thank You Allah and Forgive Me.
We hope you might fully enjoy, sing along with your friends or maybe learn the new song you have never heard before.
The benefits of the application:
- Favorites list
- Search songs
- lyrics
- Some Songs Offline (Local)
list of songs in the latest Ramadan for fans of maher zain :
- Ramadan (English Version)
- Ramadhan (Malay version)
- Jannah (English Version)
- Medina
- Number one for me
- Forgive me
- Assalamu alayka
- Allah ya moulana
- Paradise
- Masha allah
- Muhammad (pbuh)
- Ummati (English version)
- Thank you allah
- etc
Note for you : Turn on your internet connection to listen to the song. To view the lyrics, you simply just run directly from the app. Please submit us your positive comment or review for future development of this app, and share to your friends. Thank you!