このMarwari Status, Marwari Jokes, Rajasthani Chutkuleについて
Marwari is a Rajasthani language spoken in the Indian state of Rajasthan. Marwari is also found in the neighboring state of Gujarat and Haryana and in Eastern Pakistan.
Marwadi status & jokes application contains royal status suitable to rajasthani people.
Get “Marwadi status” app to display unique status in Marwadi Language .
Marwadi status & jokes is an exclusive app which contains Suvichar (thoughts) in original Marwadi language itself, also it contains very marwari jokes & marwari hasya kavita which in marwari & hindi language.
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Marwadi status & Jokes app is completely offline application. it is user friendly application so contain copy and share functions. It also contain some good thoughts, jokes and poem.
1. “Marwadi status” application contain messages in proper Marwadi Language.
2. "Marwari Jokes" application contain jokes in proper Marwadi Language.
2. Copy to Clipboard function available.
3. Share message to other Social sites.
If you like this app please recommended it to your friend circle.
Download it and enjoy.
Rate Us if you like So much. Ghani Khmma