このMath Games, Mathematics - Learn Math(Easy math)について
数学のスキルをテストし、数学ゲーム、数学を使用して数学を学ぶ-Learn Math
Math Games, Mathematics - Learn Math(Easy math) is simple and small size android application designed with the aim to teach your kids to adult, test your math skill and to workout with some set of arithmetic questions. You can call it a math workout game too.
Math Games, Mathematics - Learn Math(Easy math) is mainly for those who want to improve math skill
Math Games, Mathematics - Learn Math(Easy math) is free game and best to test their math skill.
Learn with fun using Math game ! Mathematics game
Math game addition test
Math game subtraction test
Math game multiplication test
Math game division test
Addition Test
In Math game there are twenty set of arithmetic addition test question. Questions are created instantly so there is no any chances of repetition of question. Some questions may be easy and some may be quite difficult .
Subtraction Test
In Math Game there are twenty set of arithmetic subtraction test question. Question are randomly created and there is no chances of repetition. Due to random generation some may be easy and some may be quite complex. You can teach your child very easily using this kids math game. Result of subtraction may be positive or negative.
Multiplication Test
In math game there is also multiplication test question. Where you can test your multiplication skill very easily. There are random set of multiplication number you have to select correct answer.
Division Test
Division test is also main part of this math game application. There are twenty set of division question.
Result of test is shown when you complete your twenty set of question and your score display at last.
Today every kids are familiar with latest smartphone so kids math skill can be grown using this app.
Workout your kids to adult math skill using this free app.
Train your brain with math game ! Mathematics rocks !!!
For any feedback about Math Games, Mathematics - Learn Math(Easy math)mail at [email protected]