Melodia Cumplices Resgate
このMelodia Cumplices Resgateについて
Are you ready to enjoy this best app and this only one on playstore?
New feature, new idea and this app only one on playstore
you can listen Melodia Cumplices De Um Resgate music favorite music. with the integrated music player and lyrics, you can listen the music while singing with the lyrics
how to use? it's very easy. just do simple tap in the integrated music player, you can play and hear your favorite music song you want and singing with the lyrics
To listen to the song music, you must have in a good best area internet connection on (via wifi/3g/HSDPA/4g). and don't forget if you like this app please give us your feedback/review/stars for future development
Disclaimer Legal Notice:
This is an unofficial Cumplices De um Resgate. All logos, characters, their names, places, aspect of this game are trademarks of their respective developers