Monitor Your Gambling & Urges
このMonitor Your Gambling & Urgesについて
To download MYGU 2.0, please visit https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.camh.mygu2
Monitor Your Gambling & Urges (MYGU) - If you’re trying to cut down or quit gambling, we recommend you monitor or track your gambling urges. Research has shown that people who keep track of their gambling behaviour are more successful when they try to quit or reduce their gambling! Developed by a team of leading healthcare professionals at the CAMH Gambling, Gaming and Technology Use (formerly, Problem Gambling Institute of Ontario), download MYGU today to identify when your urges to gamble occur, when you choose to gamble what happens as a result. It’s anonymous, free and easy to use. Your account will also allow you to access more features and other self-help tools at www.ProblemGambling.ca/Gambling-Help
MYGU will report back to you:
Date and time you experience an urge to gamble
What ‘triggers’ your urges to gamble? (A trigger can create an urge to gamble -for example having money, feeling bored or lonely may all be triggers)
What activities you do instead of gambling
Wins and losses when you gambled
Your feelings-if you gambled or you didn’t gamble
Consequences-if you gambled or didn’t gamble
MYGU works best if it is used every time you have an urge to gamble. MYGU is meant for educational purposes only. Learn more about when your urges to gamble occur, and how much you are winning or losing if you choose to gamble. For more information, visit www.ProblemGambling.ca/Gambling-Help