My Last Wish | Bucket List
2.3.3 and up
Android OS
このMy Last Wish | Bucket Listについて
Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans
You know all those things you swear you're going to do before you die? Bucketlist / My last wish is where you go to keep track of them all.
Bucketlist is a social network, a warehouse of interesting stories, a way to kick-start your life goals.
Climb a volcano ... Get the other guy elected ... Perfect your chili recipe ... Learn to play oboe ... Visit New Zealand ...
Use your bucketlist to jot down your life's ambitions, then tell the story once they've been accomplished. Can't you do that in any old text file on your desktop? Sure, but Bucketlist is more than just a glorified Notepad. It's a place where you can share your goals, and find inspiration in the accomplishments of others.