このMyanmar Dictionary & Translator Word Builder Quizについて
Myanmar dictionary (english to myanmar dictionary) translator (မြန်မာအဘိဓါန်ဘာသာပြန်ဆိုသူ): completely offline & free app containing both english - myanmar and myanmar - english dictionary and for translation to myanmar / english. this app is a quick myanmar translator and thesaurus with both myanmar / english myanmar meaning for almost all words.
myanmar dictionary (english to myanmar dictionary) : Here you can find myanmar meaning to english translation. This free voice text translator can quickly translate from myanmar meaning english dictionary (မြန်မာအဘိဓါန်ဘာသာပြန်ဆိုသူ) words as well as complete sentences. Instant translation and the full validity of the words.
Now you can myanmar text voice translation: translate between any two languages from 100+ languages. This voice text translator will be very useful to people studying a foreign language (travelers, students and everyone who raise their level of language). myanmar dictionary (myanmar english dictionary) is a free dictionary and translation app.
This Myanmar dictionary (myanmar to english dictionary) a quick guide with myanmar meaning available for almost all words. A light weight myanmar dictionary (myanmar english dictionary) app that works offline.
◆◆ Myanmar dictionary (english to myanmar dictionary) app features:
◆ It is an offline myanmar dictionary (english to myanmar dictionary) Works without internet.!
◆ Words For Today: Learn new words every day to extend your vocabularies
◆ Integrated Thesaurus: synonyms & antonyms are included with the myanmar dictionary
◆ Voice to Text Translation: look up a word without having to spell it voice text translator
◆ Word Games: Find synonyms game and spelling game. Play and learn
◆ Word of the Day: learn a new word every day
◆ myanmar english meaning millions of words in myanmar dictionary (english to myanmar dictionary)
◆ A comprehensive free myanmar dictionary during word quiz games and spoken english learning
◆ Share & copy myanmar english dictionary translations by social media
◆ Favorite words and search history: keep track of the words that are most important to you
◆ Improve your vocabulary the ideal lexicon to find english synonyms / antonyms, word etymology, verbs and more in app myanmar dictionary (english to myanmar dictionary).
This app is a quick myanmar dictionary (english to myanmar dictionary) and thesaurus with both english myanmar meaning for almost all words in daily use. This is not only a dictionary but also a vocabulary and learning tool. use this dictionary ( myanmar to english and english to myanmar ) free, The translator is available at word level.
This app myanmar dictionary helps in building your vocabulary by daily words meaning, word of the day alerts. You can find words and track them for learning. you can practice word learning by playing word quiz games. Audio pronunciation tool help in listening correct sound of words.
Easily translate word from english to myanmar using myanmar english dictionary. Now translate english words to myanmar easily on your phone. It has largest collection of english words with provides detailed myanmar meaning with grammar, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and antonyms.
myanmar dictionary (english to myanmar dictionary) is a free offline dictionary designed to help myanmar speakers learn and improve their english language skills and largest database myanmar meaning of words. myanmar dictionary (myanmar english dictionary): Translate & Learn English
The free offline myanmar dictionary and thesaurus with synonyms, related words and great search. english to myanmar dictionary is for all english learners of beginner to advance level. english to myanmar dictionary meets the needs of all english speakers and learners of the whole world. myanmar dictionary, a new styled English to myanmar dictionary. myanmar dictionary checks your spelling and suggest many words in accordance.
最新バージョン 3.0 の更新情報
◆ It is an offline
◆ Integrated Thesaurus: synonyms & antonyms are included with the myanmar dictionary
◆ Voice to Text translator
◆ Word Games: Play and learn
◆ Word of the Day: learn a new word every day
◆ A comprehensive free myanmar dictionary during word quiz games and spoken english learning
◆ Share & copy
◆ Favorite words and search history