このNadhom Alfiyah Lengkapについて
The book of Alfiyah Ibnu Malik is the science of Nahwu which is widely studied in the Islamic world
Nadhom Alfiyah is one of the poems, taken from the Book of Alfiyah by Ibnu Malik.
The Alfiyah Book, which is widely studied by students, contains the rules or rules of the Arabic language and also contains the Kitan Nahwu Shorof.
Nadzom Alfiyah Ibnu Malik is a summary (khulasah), of the book Nadzom al-Kafiyah al-Syafiyah by Imam Ibnu Hajib (d. 646 H/ 1249 AD) which consists of 2757 stanzas.
Historical literature says that the nadhoman kitab alfiyah was first brought to Indonesia by Syaichona Moh. Cholil Bangkalan teacher of Indonesian ulama.
Through Alfiyah's nadhom, nahwu knowledge becomes more alive and easier for readers to understand.
This book by Ibn Malik is probably the book that is most widely memorized and taught. Almost all Islamic boarding schools teach this book. It seems that a student is not complete if he has not recited the Alfiyah book.
The Book of Alfiyah Ibnu Malik, equipped with reading media features, to increase knowledge including:
+ Translated Book of Nadhom Imriti
+ Matan Sanusiah
+ Nashoihul ibad
+ Risalatul Muawanah
+ Arbain Nawawi Hadith Book
+ Book of Tafsir of the Koran