NIOS DELED Assignment Answer
このNIOS DELED Assignment Answerについて
NIOS DELED割り当て回答への回答初等教育のディプロマ
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NIos DEled Assignment Answer
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Training for the un-trained in-service Teacher
Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) programme is a specifically designed package for in-service untrained teachers working in primary/ upper primary schools of different states of the country. The programme has been developed by the Academic Department, NIOS on the initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India, keeping in view the NCF 2005, RTE 2009 and NCFTE 2010. The Programme aims at enabling the target group to develop the skills, competencies, attitudes, and understanding to make teaching and learning more effective.
最新バージョン 3.0 の更新情報
Assignment Updated