Oatpay - Oatpayによって経営ボールのチケットを購入するための最速の方法
Oatpay is a fast way to purchase tickets to Oatpay's own events. Pay for an event in seconds, and immediately receive the ticket confirmation, with a code they can scan on the door.
* Is Oatpay secure?
We use Stripe to process all payments, and we manage the selling of tickets ourselves. If you see an event on Oatpay, you'll know it's legitimate, since we work extremely closely with the Ball, and are on their committee.
* How soon does my ticket confirmation come?
Within 24h.
* I can't find my event on Oatpay?
Not all events are public -- some are only open to specific students in a specific society, for example. Ensure that your email address is up to date. If your email address is non-standrard, you'll have to contact us to get it resolved.
* How does entry work?
Oatpay will be at the door, scanning you in. Just come along and show your ticket confirmation!
* Can I sell tickets on Oatpay?
We're already spread pretty thin (since we have to be on the committee of every event we organise). If you think that your event is big, and would benefit from Oatpay managing all your ticketing, though, do reach out.