このOnline IBPS/SSC/Aptitude examsについて
APT Test Series App is an Online IBPS/SSC/Aptitude exam preparation app. This helps students preparing for online exams,
App consists of all subjects papers including Maths, English, Reasoning, Computer and GK/GS
which is majorly used in IBPS PO/Clerk, SSC, Individual bank exams, Railway and other Competitive exams.
APT has a good and easy GUI which helps students to understand the flow easily and they can interact
with this app better and perform a quick exam and see the result in a organised way.
We are trying to upload a new test daily and e provide daily updates for newly uploaded test for
those users who can not check the app all time.
This APP is based on latest pattern used in all exams and prepared with the latest questions on the board.
If you have any issue please contact at [email protected] or [email protected]
Priyanka Gupta