Online Radio - Turkey
4.0 and up
Android OS
このOnline Radio - Turkeyについて
Listen to free music from thousands of internet radio stations streaming live right now.Quality Internet Radio - features a wide variety of free streaming radio channels.
Internet radio (also web radio, net radio, streaming radio, e-radio, online radio, webcasting) is an audio service transmitted via the Internet. Broadcasting on the Internet is usually referred to as webcasting since it is not transmitted broadly through wireless means.
All you need is a simple internet connection (WiFi or 3G, 4G).
Goes without saying that you're listening to radio over the internet, so please ensure you have a connection - wifi is best.
Some list of Stations :-
* TÜ Radyosu Caz/Blues-Jazz
* Akdeniz FM 90.8 Mersin-Folk
* Akdeniz Radyo Hatay-Pop
* Dinamo.fm - LEGACY-Electronica-Ambient
* Imbat FM-World/Folk
* JOY - JAZZ-Jazz-Classical
* JOY - Turk AKUSTIK-Pop
* Kur an-? Kerim Meali-Islamic
* NTV Spor Radyo 87.7-Talk-Sports
* Numberone - Besst Of Türk-Adult Standards / Nostalgia
* Powerturk - Power Greece-Adult Standards / Nostalgia