このPage Goについて
Page Go is an app featuring minimalistic hypermedia player for content including text, sound, images, links, layout defined from data feed.
The project includes:
- ideal for caption navigator, presentation, story telling, comics;
- navigation through tapping on images;
- caption text that can be read aloud;
- web images can be rescaled, positioned in different layers;
- (Home button) reset button to allow entering data feed URL;
- (Reload button) replay button to refresh feed so images can be reloaded, caption text can be refreshed and can be read aloud again.;
- portable to various device display size; sample code for data feed generator;
- (Home URL) default data feed URL customisation as starting page for app;
- can go to any page with Page Go format data feed link reference like web pages with links to other sites;
Host customised page with sample feed:
{"property_pageid":{"field_key":0},"property_cels":{"field_key":[{"property_celpositionz":"0.0","property_celimageurl":"http:\/\/unity3d.com\/profiles\/unity3d\/themes\/unity\/images\/assets\/favicons\/favicon.png","property_celtapdowngo":"http:\/\/local.host\/\/pagego.php?page_id=1&","property_celpositionx":"0.0","property_celpositiony":"0.0","property_celscalex":"1.0","property_celscaley":"1.0"},{"property_celpositionz":"1.0","property_celimageurl":"http:\/\/www.google.com\/uds\/css\/small-logo.png","property_celtapdowngo":"http:\/\/local.host\/\/pagego.php?page_id=1&","property_celpositionx":"1.0","property_celpositiony":"1.0","property_celscalex":"2.0","property_celscaley":"2.0"}]},"property_captiontext":{"field_key":"Page Go: Tap on image to go to page 1."},"property_audiotext":{"field_key":"Page Go Says Tap on image to go to page 1"}}