Page Go 정보
Page Go is an app featuring hypermedia player for customisable content.
Page Go is an app featuring minimalistic hypermedia player for content including text, sound, images, links, layout defined from data feed.
The project includes:
- ideal for caption navigator, presentation, story telling, comics;
- navigation through tapping on images;
- caption text that can be read aloud;
- web images can be rescaled, positioned in different layers;
- (Home button) reset button to allow entering data feed URL;
- (Reload button) replay button to refresh feed so images can be reloaded, caption text can be refreshed and can be read aloud again.;
- portable to various device display size; sample code for data feed generator;
- (Home URL) default data feed URL customisation as starting page for app;
- can go to any page with Page Go format data feed link reference like web pages with links to other sites;
Host customised page with sample feed:
{"property_pageid":{"field_key":0},"property_cels":{"field_key":[{"property_celpositionz":"0.0","property_celimageurl":"http:\/\/\/profiles\/unity3d\/themes\/unity\/images\/assets\/favicons\/favicon.png","property_celtapdowngo":"http:\/\/\/\/pagego.php?page_id=1&","property_celpositionx":"0.0","property_celpositiony":"0.0","property_celscalex":"1.0","property_celscaley":"1.0"},{"property_celpositionz":"1.0","property_celimageurl":"http:\/\/\/uds\/css\/small-logo.png","property_celtapdowngo":"http:\/\/\/\/pagego.php?page_id=1&","property_celpositionx":"1.0","property_celpositiony":"1.0","property_celscalex":"2.0","property_celscaley":"2.0"}]},"property_captiontext":{"field_key":"Page Go: Tap on image to go to page 1."},"property_audiotext":{"field_key":"Page Go Says Tap on image to go to page 1"}}