このPrayer Times of Islamについて
- offline prayer time calculation (no internet connection required)
- silent, vibrate or adhan mode for each of the 5 prayers of Islam
- configurable prayer time calculation method
- an optional persistent notification that displays the next prayer's time and an approximate remaining time
- displaying the date as well as the hijri date and the coordinates (used for the calculation)
- this app does NOT contain (and will not contain) any ads, and is completely free to use
Credit and special thanks to:
- this app uses the JavaScript calculation logic provided by PrayTimes.org (PrayTimes.js: Prayer Times Calculator (ver 2.3), Copyright (C) 2007-2011 PrayTimes.org, Developer: Hamid Zarrabi-Zadeh, License: GNU LGPL v3.0)
- this app uses adhan audio files provided by http://aladhan.com/