このPupu APK Extractorについて
広告なし/共有zip /抽出apk /共有apk /抽出apkのリストを提供する
★ Extraction and sharing APK at once
APK extraction and sharing is possible in one-touch.
★ Compressing and sharing with ZIP
In addition to APK sharing, ZIP sharing is also possible.
When you share on Kakao Talk, sharing with ZIP is essential.
★ Searching for apps you want to find
You can search for apps you want to extract with APK.
★ List of extracted APK files
It manages what APK is extracted.
It's an APK that we've already extracted, and we don't have to do it again.
It provides the function to share and delete from the screen.
★ Sharing this app with the person you love
You can share this app with the person you love.
★ Sending inconvenient issues or improvements that you want
Feel free to contact us if there is any inconvenience or improvement you may need to make with this app.