このQuit Smoking NOW: Max Kirstenについて
Max helped Ewan McGregor, Adele, Tom Hardy, Lily Allen, Liam Payne to QUIT! VOTED 'BEST Quit Smoking App in 2018!' Healthline.com. VOTED 'BEST APP for Quitting Smoking 2017' by MEDICAL NEWS TODAY! VOTED #1 Stop Smoking Hypnosis App by The Sunday Times Newspapers's '500 Best Apps in the World!'
DOWNLOAD this NEW 2022 Version of the Award-Winning 'Quit Smoking Now with Max Kirsten' App.
Max Kirsten is an award-winning Clinical Hypnotherapist, Smoking Cessation Expert and author. He's helped some of the biggest names in Film, Music, Fashion, Media, Politics & Sport to QUIT.
Max holds a Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice (SQHP) with the British General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA), Association of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ANLP).
AVOID WEIGHT GAIN: Using Advanced Hypnotherapy and latest scientific advice.
DISSOLVE CRAVINGS Learn Max’s 60 second cravings buster technique
QUIT SMOKING for LESS than a pack of cigarettes
PROVEN SUCCESS! 1000’s of smokers have already QUIT with this App since 2009.
PACKED with the latest QUIT Smoking information, and Success tips, The NEW updated ‘Quit Calculator' tracks your quit progress from your last cigarette, roll-ups, cigars, shisha, JUUL, IQOS, E-cigs, Vapes, showing money saved, days smoke-free etc.
LEARN his '60-Second Cravings Buster technique.'
- HOW to use this App
- OVER 10 hrs of recorded audio.
- PREPARING to QUIT smoking
- QUIT Video from Ewan McGregor
- What is Hypnosis and NLP?
- RELAX Hypnosis Sample
- QUIT to improve sex life
- What’s in a cigarette?
- QUIT Recovery Timetable
- A Doctor's Message
- 4 Hypnotherapy QUIT Sessions
- LEARN The ’60-Second Craving Buster’
- The QUIT Calculator (*Updated)
- Your Quit Progress Dashboard
- DAILY QUIT Support 'Text Messages'
- LIVING as a Non-smoker
- Overcoming DENIAL
- AVOIDING weight gain!
- How to HEAL your lungs
- x4 QUIT Videos
- 43 Fact Cards
- x4 QUIT Galleries
- How to stay QUIT?
- ‘SOS’ Button
For more information visit: https://www.quitsmokingnowapp.com
*PLEASE NOTE: *Results may vary. *Frequent listening will increase your long-term chances of QUIT Success! *Do not use the hypnosis parts of this app whilst driving or operating machinery. This App is *contra-indicated for epilepsy and clinical depression. As with all behavioural modification, willpower is still required. *Visit: www.maxkirsten.com/quit-smoking-now-app-disclaimer/