FREE サム・ブックハルトは、あなたの手の中にすべての時間を弁護士を持っていることができます!
With the FREE Sam Bookhardt mobile app, you will virtually have a lawyer at your fingertips at all times, right on your cell phone!
Are you unsure about what your rights are? Do you have questions about legal procedures? Are you confused about what to do next? You can send a question right through the app today – RIGHT NOW!
Legal procedures can be complicated and baffling. We're here to answer your questions from how to get started to what you should be doing each step of the way.
You can call us directly from the app, get directions to our office, send a question or a message, upload documents or images, connect with us on social media and more!
Download the app now and keep us with you at all times!
The information you obtain by viewing this description is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and we welcome your calls and electronic communications via this mobile application. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established. By downloading this mobile application, you agree and understand that any information contained within the application is information upon request. You also understand that we are only licensed to practice in certain states and courts, and this application is only intended for use in those states. If you download our application in a jurisdiction within which we are not licensed, you expressly agree that we are in no way offering you legal advice by your use of this app and we are not practicing law or availing our services for cases in those jurisdictions.