このSecrets of Dating Younger Women By Dean C (Free)について
Discover the Truth and the Facts about Secrets of Dating Younger Women
Rather than brag about my "rock star" lifestyle (which I don't actually live),
or offering tons of "how-to" advice on meeting younger women, I want to take a
different perspective and share my life with you.
I'm not one of those dating gurus who acts like I’m the best seducer in the
world, or perfect with women. I'm not. I'm not one to brag about my conquests or
try to get you to believe that when I enter a bar, swarms of young women get on
their knees and beg to blow me.
What I can share with you is how I have been able to transform myself into
a guy who regularly dates and sleeps with younger women.
If you are familiar with my book How to Succeed with Women, you
already know a few things about me. I'm Jewish. I'm chubby, and I live in
Wisconsin. I'm not a pretty boy, nor am I an amazing dresser. I'm pretty average
looking, and have no intention of lying or manipulating women into bed. That
goes against my personal code of ethics.
I just turned 40, and I was a bit nervous and bummed out when that day
came. It was the end of my 30s—and I was honestly a bit freaked out and worried
that my skills with women might somehow decline, or my confidence would be
I'm starting to see some grey hairs, and experiences such as my mother
dying a few years ago—and a few friends of mine passing away from heart
Copyright © Dean Cortez, Simon Heong, David K - All Rights Reserved. http://www.bulletproofseduction.com/younger
attacks—have made me contemplate the impermanence of life. And it definitely
has me realizing that I am no longer 22 and invincible.
But let me back up for a second. I've had really good success with women
for the past 12 years. I actually remember the day I was with David Copeland (my
friend who I wrote How to Succeed with Women with), and we were both pissed
off and frustrated that we had no game at all with women. We sucked, frankly,
and so we set out to try to figure this stuff out.
We did, to a certain extent, and we related our findings in How to Succeed
with Women. I began with absolutely no success, and slowly had more and more
success. And as I developed more confidence, I slowly began to date hotter and
hotter women. And this made me a happier guy all around.