このSelf Defenseについて
Self Defense App designed to help you Learn Self Defense & Protection by yourself without any teacher or Coach at anytime on your Phone or Tablet.
This application can help anyone to start to learn the concepts that form a realistic style of self-defense. Any person can learn some valuable insights from these sections, however no app or book can replace person training with a school.
Students of American Ninjutsu will find this app even more valuable as a reference guide to the skills they learn in class. Easy Self-defense techniques use this only in danger. These require intense practice and dedication, not for minors. One of our projects includes teaching self-defense to women.
Self-defense isn't a tough job as thought by most of us its an act that implies you have something valuable to defend and makes you realize the better conditioned you are the better your odds of surviving a hostile threat!
Free self defence classes is the physical confrontation be-tween two or more competitors. It involves armed and unarmed and lethal and nonlethal fighting techniques that range from enforced complying to deadly force.
The purpose of close battle is to execute equipped and unarmed processes to pro-duce both lethal and nonlethal results.
Unarmed techniques include hand-to-hand combat and de-fense against hand-held weapons. Informed tech-niques include techniques applied with a rifle, bayonet, knife, baton, or any type of weapon of opportu-nity.
Here we are to teach you the same the most prestigious of all skills! With these simple but precious ways to defend yourself and your loved ones. This kids self defense classes app can help one to commence to learn the concepts that form a realistic style of self-defense.
Any person can learn some valuable insights from these areas, however no application or book can replace person training with an university. Students of American Ninjutsu will discover this application even more valuable as a reference guide to the skills they learn in class.
To all the women out there – your body is more capable than you think and your resolve is stronger than you believe. Do not restrict yourself. Defend not only yourself but your loved ones as well with these nine basic and necessary skills.
It can train you from the basic level to the Military Defence Level with an award winning step by step tutorials, Videos Training, Best Photo stances, Training Tips, News & Tournaments plus many more.
Note: It is advisable to not to use the techniques unless faced with danger as it may end up causing permanent damage. Not meant for children below 10 years of age.
If you have any questions, requests or ideas, just send an Email us and we'll respond so we encourage one to contact us and survey bugs.