このSentiment Emotion Data Processingについて
Dear Bengali speakers, we all love our language, Bengali. This Data Processing app is a crowdsourcing platform for Sentiment and Emotion data labeling. And anyone who contributes by data labeling in this app is in real work for the enrichment of Bangla language. And all of their names will be written in the list of contributors for the development of Bangla language. And with your help, an extraordinary artificial intelligence will be created at the end of the day.
And Socian Ltd will start a paid campaign for Sentiment and Emotion Labeling very soon. So those who understand the RULES in this app and do good work, for the time being, they will have priority in being part of the paid campaign. To be eligible for a paid campaign, everyone needs to Label at least 100 Sentiment data and 50 Emotion data in this app. You are welcome to do more if you want. Those who do more and perform well here will be given priority to work on the next paid campaign. And your name will always be on the list of the contributors of Bangla language.
The language in which we constantly express our thoughts, our mother tongue Bengali, can't we do this little thing for the enrichment of this language?
最新バージョン 1.5 の更新情報
--feature improved