Now booking a cab has become simple with the Smaaway cab.
Follow the simple steps while booking a cab with Smaaway.
1. Download the app from the Google play store.
2. Just signup or login to get a cab, it will automatically choose your pick up destination.
3. Enter your drop off destination & select the car type having different amenities.
4. Either choose to pick now or pick later for advance booking.
5. Get the fare estimation or you can enter promo code if you have got any.
6. At last click on Request Smaaway and you are ready to go and travel the city with
Features includes in the rider app:-
1. Get a cab option – User can book a ride & travel the city with ease and comfort.
2. My account- User can edit their profile, change password, etc & update it.
3. Payment- Multiple payment option for user they can pay from their wallet or even pay
through cash.
4. Call option- User has the option to call the driver.
5. History- User can view the details of upcoming ride, completed ride & cancel ride.
6. Help- User gets the option of help menu where they can take help related with sign in,
booking process, payment, etc.
7. Chat – Chat features help the user to chat with driver in case of driver not reaching the
pickup location on time or anything else.
8. Star rating- Rate the driver & give your feedback on each ride.
Note: For any queries or any help needed from the admin side you can directly reach to us