このSMS Scheduler 2018 proについて
No more reminders needed, never miss birthdays, anniversaries, holiday greetings, important meetings and occasions. Simply set date and time and leave rest to your phone to send sms for you. Sms would be sent automatically without any user intervention.
SMS Scheduler is very nice, simple and user friendly text message scheduler application. It allows you to create new text messages and specify when to send them. It is more flexible and easy to use than any other scheduler application.
Basic Features:
• Create, update and delete schedule messages
• Recipients can be typed in directly or selected from contacts
• Create, edit or delete your own message.
• Flexible scheduling system - you can send SMS once, every hour, every week etc...
• Added message sending confirmation functionality
• Incomplete schedule message will be saved as draft
• Messages are classified as Scheduled, Draft and Sent
• Sent SMS messages are added to sent box with proper sent/delivery status(SENT, DELIVERED, FAILED)
• Status bar notifications are triggered for sent messages and delivery reports
• Easy, intuitive and more user friendly UI
• Settings preferences: General settings, Message settings, Notification settings, LED settings, Confirmation pop-up settings