このSteiner's Musical Compassについて
The Anthroposophic Musical Compass is based on the holistic tone-zodiac circle and the ideas of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy.
It aspires to demonstrate an outside of the box correlation between cardinal directions, astrology, music, color, and the four elements (represented by their respective sounds).
Quotes taken from Rudolf Steiner's archive appears every time a full turn of the circle is completed.
You can use it in number of ways:
★ As a regular everyday compass
★ To play music - the tones change according to the direction of the device. It is tuned to the circle of fifths, so that everything sounds pleasent, but you never reach "home".
★ For relaxation and mental wellness. Unwind and listen to the sounds of the four elements - earth, water, air and fire, accompanied by a soft sine wave and relaxing visual.
Each sound gets louder or softer according to the direction to which the device is heading.
★ As an educational tool, to learn and experience correlations between different aspects of life, art and science.
Good Vibes guaranteed!
Other music apps By ilyichArts:
Light Theremin - Uses the device's light sensor to create music by turning light into frequency.
Motion Theremin - Same concept as the light theremin only with an accelerometer sensor instead of a light sensor.
Voxeltone - Create simple music in a real 3D environment by placing cubes on a 12x12 grid.
Please rate if you like!
Instagram - Johnny_Tal
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/Lizardkingil
HTML5 app using phaser.js and timbre.js libraries