このSugAR Pokeについて
Use this demo app on a dozen salad dressings as a sample of what SugAR Poke will ultimately be able to do:
Tell you how much added sugar is in every food in the supermarket.
The demo application has been created with only a dozen popular salad dressing brands and flavors to
show you the potential impact of using Augmented Reality for better health (see list below). It will help
you lower you sugar consumption by seeking to purchase foods and beverages with lower content of
sugar or NO added sugar at all (green labels).
Simply point your smart phone camera at the item you want to know. No bar-code, no scanning, just AR
at its best, giving you useful information in real-time: GREEN LABEL for healthy choices, and BLACK with
how many teaspoon of added sugar for less healthy options. SugAR Poke is simple, easy to understand,
and a real time-saver when you are trying to eat better.
Give SugAR Poke Demo a try, and see how sweet it is to eliminate added sugar from your diet!
SugAR Poke Demo is the first app for public health. It is and powered by Pandora Reality a leading AR
development company based in New York, NY, and published by EChO – Eradicate Childhood Obesity
Foundation, a public charity based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
List of demo products:
-Hidden Valley Dressing Coleslaw 16 FL OZ
-Hidden Valley Dressing The Original Ranch 16 FL OZ
-Hidden Valley Dressing The Original Ranch Fat Free 16 FL OZ
-Kraft Dressing Classic Catalina 16 FL OZ
-Kraft Dressing Classic Ranch 16 FL OZ
-Kraft Dressing Coleslaw 16 FL OZ
-Kraft Dressing Fat Free Classic Ranch 16 FL OZ
-Kraft Dressing Zesty Italian 16 FL OZ
-Newman’s Own Dressing Light Italian 16 FL OZ
-Newman’s Own Dressing Lite Italian 16 FL OZ
-Wish- Bone Dressing Italian 15 FL OZ
-Wish- Bone Dressing Ranch 15 FL OZ
-Wish- Bone Dressing Red Wine Vinaigrette 15 FL OZ
-Wish- Bone Dressing The Original Western 16 FL OZ
-Wish- Bone Dressing Light Western 16 FL OZ