An exclusive app in Telugu & English to get Muhurtham (Lagna) for Hindu for various occassions such as Wedding, House warming ceremony, Marriage, Engagement, New Business Start etc by Vedapandit Sri.Gollapalli Venkatrama Subramanya Ganapathi, Annavaram, Andhra Pradesh
The muhurtha sastra is very very useful to us in our day – to - day life. All of us should have the opportunity to utilize the said sastra.
Muhurthas are decided as per our old traditions and customs.
The muhurtha Sastra is designed like which can be understood even by children very easily. We feel as if the Muhurtham is confirmed by a great Siddhanti. It will also show suitable solutions to any of human problem.
This Website is opened only on free of cost. If the above website is observed and understood thoroughly. We can realize the importance of the said website.