このSuperhero Captain Modについて
Superhero with a vibranium shield and a beautiful costume.
This application is not an official Minecraft product, is not endorsed, not affiliated with Mojang.
Make your hero stronger and simplify the game. With a new shield that you can attack enemies even at a distance, you can attack a bunch of enemies and defeat them en masse. The skin looks impressive and it will replace the usual type of armor. You can also try new features of your hero like fast travel and the ability to fly. Break blocks and creepers with an enderman in one hit. The crafting recipe is very simple, but if you don't figure out how to use the crafting table then go to creative mode and create whatever you want from the spawn egg, there will be no restrictions! Marvel superheroes tremble at the sight of Captain America, as do hostile mobs in all biomes. You will no longer need weapons, your bare fists will destroy all blocks in the area like TNT. The most popular shield of the galaxy and the most recognizable skin, everyone desires it but whoever finds the recipe and creates it using a lot of resources will get it. Monsters and creatures will not scare you now, because the superhero skin is a powerful weapon. Design combined with functions will create an explosion, you will become the guardian of the galaxy. A shield that protects against attacks from mobs and at the same time is able to fly like a bullet through houses and stop even the boss with one blow. You will feel safe on any map! Become a hero of the justice league and protect the cities from the night raids of monsters.