このSweetBlue Toolboxについて
あなたは、スキャン接続、およびBluetooth LEデバイスを結合することを可能にするツール
SweetBlue Toolbox is a tool which allows you to scan, connect, and bond to BLE devices using iDevices' SweetBlue Library (https://sweetblue.io). You can also explore each device's Bluetooth services, characteristics, and descriptors.
* Scan for BLE devices
* View advertisement data
* Connect to device(s)
* Bond to device(s)
* Discovers services, characteristics, and descriptors
* Read/Write Characteristics
* Parses services/characteristics/descriptors that are in the Bluetooth spec
* Settings can be configured easily, and applied real-time
* Import SweetBlue config settings
* Export SweetBlue config file for easy integration into your app using SweetBlue
* Device information on the device running the app (OS, Manufacturer, linux kernel version, etc)