このTestflight for Android Tutor 2021について
Android Tutor 2021用の新しいTestflightアプリにより、ベータテストが簡単になります
Welcome to tutorial of TestFlight that makes it easy to test beta versions of iOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps and App Clips, then provide valuable feedback to developers before they release their apps on the App Store.
It allows you as a devloper to invite users to beta test of your application through email or a public link. For instructions on installation, testing, and feedback submission and for details on how your data is handled. in this Testflight for Android Tutor 2021 you will find the best app for beta testiong for your apps.
When you test a beta app or App Clip, you collects and sends crash logs, usage information, and any feedback you submit to the developer. and you may use this information to improve your app and related products. Apple may use crash logs and usage information to improve our products and services.
TestFlight for Android is not available now but you will find in this app best beta testing distribution tools out there that make the entire process extremely simple for Android.
- This is an informative guide and Tuturial only.
- All copyright and trademarks are owned by their respective owners.
- This guide app made by fans and user to help find best solution for Android and iOS applications beta testing.
最新バージョン 5.0 の更新情報
Update Sdk v6