このThe Liberty Portalについて
If you are interested in liberty and free markets, this app is perfect for you. The Liberty Portal collects content relating to Libertarianism and Austrian economics. It will keep you up to date with feeds and videos and you can talk to like minded people in the chat rooms. Optionally, you can share your location on the map.
You can optionally set to receive notifications for new articles and videos so that you never miss them.
Articles include - theuklibertarian.com, the Ludwig von Mises Institute (mises.org), the Cato Institute (cato.org), OpenMarket.org (by The Competitive Enterprise Institute) and The Adam Smith Institute (adamsmith.org)
Videos include - Adam Kokesh, Andy Jones TV, Mises Media, Cato Institute, Freedomain Radio (freedomainradio.com) and Voluntaryism & Freedom (voluntaryvirtues.com)
This app can automatically update with new article and video feeds. If you have any articles or videos to share, please contact the support email and make a request to be included in the app.