このThe Mystery Called Lifeについて
Have you ever wondered how life is a mystery?
Many are the times we seek answers to the very many life questions and the circumstances that we become subject to. Sometimes to find these answers and to better understand our lives, we often need a guiding hand. Some of the mental issues addressed in this app are depression, self-doubt, loneliness and stress.
The app also includes some youtube links that show how different people coped with their mental health and some who show you how to deal with any mental issue you are facing.
Currently in the world, mental health has become a major issue that is worthy of attention and needs not to be ignored any longer.
On the other hand, the app also keeps you motivated through quotes from various people who tell their personal share of experience of life.
All in all, this app will help in promoting personal growth and development.
Spread the good news about the issues the app seeks to address. Share with friends and family. Help out a person that seeks the answers to life.
Enjoy the app.