このTN E-Sevai -All Online Services in Tamilnaduについて
タミルナドゥすべてのオンラインサービス。 IDカード、土地記録、TNeGAおよびその他のサービス
Sources of information used in the app:-
The app aggregates links to websites for popular government services like PAN, Aadhar, TNeGA, Passport, Police and Ration services and displays this information inside a mobile browser.
Follwing links used in this app:-
https://www.tnesevai.tn.gov.in/, https://eservices.tn.gov.in/eservicesnew/home.html, https://www.tnebnet.org/awp/login, https://uidai.gov.in/, https://tin.tin.nsdl.com/pan/form49Adsc.html, https://sarathi.parivahan.gov.in, https://portal2.passportindia.gov.in/AppOnlineProject/welcomeLink, https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_en/index.php, https://www.indiapost.gov.in/vas/Pages/IndiaPostHome.aspx
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