このTown Hall 9 Farming Base Layouts COCについて
If you hear the word Clash of Clans, then that is a strategy game by building a small village into a big village and defend the village from the opponent's attack. In this game, users are required to maintain the base of the opponent's attack so as not to lose much of the wealth owned by the village such as gold, elixir and dark elixir.
If you're a Clash of Clans player, it's probably not unfamiliar to set up a strong village layout with a widely used base strategy and types such as Farming, Trophy, and Hybrid base types. If you are new to this game, maybe the base type sounds foreign, what are base farming, trophy, and hybrid? Here we will discuss the explanation.
Farming Base
Farming Base, a base commonly used by players with low levels of town hall level. In accordance with the meaning, this base type aims to maintain the entire wealth or Resource (so-called loot) so as not easily stolen when attacked by the opponent. The layout of the base farming type is usually by putting the town hall outside the wall and defense, also putting the loot inside the base so it will be difficult for the enemy to steal it.
But after a major Update the presence of Level Town hall 11 and bringing new regulations that Town Hall will have more loot storage than the storage itself, so the base farming type is currently very rarely used.
Trophy Base
This base type is the opposite of Farming Base and is widely used by players with high levels of town hall level, they are more defending the Trophy than their own Wealth. Due to the higher level of town hall it will be more difficult to find Trophy.
Trophy base usually set the layout by putting a resource or loot outside the wall of defense and put the town hall very neatly inside the base, so the enemy who attacked it will only take the loot and the attacked base will get an additional trophy if the town hall is not destroyed and less damage than 50 percent.
Hybrid Base
If we want to combine between the two base above the farming base with trophy base, then the Hybrid Base type is suitable. Hybrid Base is a base type that aims to maintain loot as well as trophy owned.
But this type also has a deficiency of lack of defense to protect the loot unlike the Farming base and less defense in maintaining a trophy unlike the Trophy Base.