このvideo downloader for threadsについて
app to download videos & images from threads easy to use just copy or share link
video dowloader for threads it app to download all images and videos from threads easy to use
you can share videos or images saved with your friends
how to work :
methode 1 :
1. Open the Thread video that you want to download via app.
2. Tap on the 'Send' icon below the thread.
3. Tap on the Share via button from the list of options.
4. Select video downloader for threads (icon application )from the list of apps to begin downloading the video.
methode 2 :
1. Open the Thread video that you want to download via app.
2. Tap on the 'Send' icon below the thread.
3. Tap on the copy via button from the list of options.
4. open app video downloader for thread from the list of apps and tap on past to download button to begin downloading the video .