To develop into a reputed Institution at National and International level in Engineering, Technology and Management by generation and dissemination of knowledge through intellectual, cultural and ethical efforts with human values.
To foster Scientific temper in promoting the world class professional and technical expertise.
To create state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities for optimization of knowledge acquisition.
To nurture the students holistically and make them competent to excel in the global scenario.
To promote R&D and consultancy through strong industry-institute interaction to address the societal problems.
Quality Policy
To ensure high standards to educate, enrich and excel in imparting professional education, by top-quality-faculty who endeavors to mould the students into socially responsible professionals through creative team-work, innovation and research.
Short-term Goals
To start industry driven P.G. Programmes in various disciplines.
To have MOU with Universities, R & D Institutions and industries to nucleate Research Centre.
To provide consultancy & testing facilities.
To develop into an autonomous Institution.
Long-term Goals
To develop as a top ranking Institution in the country.
To have MOU’s with Universities and R & D Institution at international levels.
To develop the institution into a Deemed University.