このVrat Katha - Kevda trij - Dashama - Ekadashi vratについて
オフラインVrat Kathaがグジャラート語で利用可能– Ganesh choth、Dashama、Kevda trij
Vrat Katha is a collection of Vrat Katha in the Gujarati Language. Here you can find a large collection of Vrat Katha (fast stories) like – Somvar Vrat Katha, Shivratri Vrat Katha , Gauri puja, Kevda trij Vrat Katha , Jaya Parvati Vrat Katha,Shitla Shatam Vrat Katha, Ganesh choth Vrat Katha , Vat savitri Vrat Katha , Dashama Vrat Katha , Nag pancham Vrat Katha , Bol choth Vrat Katha and many other Vrat Katha available in Gujarati language. Use this app online as well as offline / without internet.
Vrat Katha app is available with following features:
Languages Support: Currently Vrat Katha app has Gujarati language support
No internet: No requirement of the internet while using the app
Easy and smooth transition from one Vrat Katha to other Vrat Katha
Hope Vrat Katha will be liked by users.