このWIFI IP Music Playerについて
[ If you are experiencing CSS style less webpage as not as in this app's store listing screenshot look alike , as a result musics are not playing , then please try to restart music server ( method described below ) ]
WIFI IP Music Player is a free music player that makes you able to listen musics of your android device remotely by streaming within same wifi network.
WIFI IP Music Player is a free music player that streams your device's music to other device via WIFI
It streams from PC . MAC ,Linux , Android or any other platform
No platform barrier , no need internet connection , listen to music offline .
You just need a wifi network ( no need internet connection ) and a web browser to stream musics .
As it streams music with web browser so you can listen musics from any platform such as Android , Windows, MAC or Linux .
How to use
1. First start the app
2. If you are connected in a wifi network then an IP will be displayed in the app , remember the IP .
3. Enter the IP on any html5 supported web browser .
4. It will display a web site including all musics containing on your android device
5. Click on the play button
6. Then music will be played on a HTML 5 player
7. ENJOY!!!
Music Server restarting method
1. Click on " stop server " button then after 3-4 second later click on " start server " button
Video tutorial link :