このWindow 11 Computer Launcherについて
Get this awesome Android launcher that creates the computer monitor interface!
Be more productive with a sleek, functional Home page interface that looks like your desktop or computer monitor. Personalization should be about improving the look and function of your Home page with improved security. Window 11 Epic Launcher is an ideal Android launcher for professionals and businessmen who want to have sleek, modern, and professional looking Home page that will make your phone more efficient and which is also customizable based on your needs.
Do you want to change the look of your Android phone to look like a desktop or computer monitor? Get Window 11 Epic Launcher that is inspired by computer desktop! This is the best personalization & the best Android launcher app for you. Users of Window 11 or win. 10 are familiar with how the desktop is structured and we hope by using similar interface on your phone and computer monitor, you can be more productive and efficient when you access your phone.
💠 Get a Desktop & Computer Monitor look on your Android phone
💠 Super simple to use with magnificent look
💠 Change your wallpapers to amazing window wallpapers .
💠 Quick access to various device functions for better performance.
💠 Fresh homepage interface for your Android phone.
💠 Create default new Home page for your phone.
💠 Personalization for increased productivity.
💠 Lock apps to prevent unwarranted usage.
There are many things to customize on our Android launcher app. Download it and enjoy it for FREE today!
Note: There are some permissions that you need to grant before you can use our Android Launchers. Please allow access when needed so our Android launcher can function properly.
Your friends and family also love window 11 or win. 10? Maybe they are looking for the best Android launchers app? Please recommend Window 11 Epic Launcher to them for personalization.
Please rate and review our app so we can rank as the best Android launchers app on the Playstore. All support from our users are appreciated.
Accessibility API Requirement : Enable Accessibility Service to perform global actions like going back, opening notifications taking screen shot, double tap to lock screen. Please be assured that Launcher will not collect any personal information