この遊戯王 ほしい物リスト (Wishlist YuGiOh!)について
Save your 遊戯王 cards, check prices and have them always offline
遊戯王 ほしい物リスト プロ allows saving your wanted 遊戯王 cards in a quick way directly on your device showing pictures, live prices from several famous webstores, card text, available expansion sets and more useful data for collecting and trading in your local currency.
It contains a full offline database that offers the autocomplete feature when inserting or looking for cards with those un-rememberable names. Check the available Expansion Sets for every card, perform searches and sort by advanced filters such as attribute, level or rarity.
Please, be patient when you install the app for the first time: there are more than 12,000 cards to be loaded!
See live card prices for singles directly from webstores such as TCG Player or Yugioh Card Market (it also integrates your Wants and Sells). In addition, you can directly access your favourite cards on some other renowned sites.
You can also define a Custom Value for each listed card and even a custom currency for it. Receive notifications when a listed card is cheaper than the inserted Custom Value or when a store has new Top Sells.
Want a list for your deck and other for your trades? It allows you to create multiple lists and check the real-time value of your collection.
All the displayed information can be hidden in order to reduce the data traffic and processor operations. Hide undesired stores, add columns to the lists, stop loading images to make it lighter and faster...This is a totally customizable tool.
Listed cards can be searched and displayed in all available languages, if they exist for that card, depending on your device language.
Import and export from and to different formats. Share your lists with all your friends in an easy way!
This app is being updated regularly to offer new features and latest sets. Suggest us what you want or miss by leaving your feedback.
Yu-Gi-Oh! is copyrighted by Konami Corporation. This app is not produced, affiliated or supported by Konami Corporation.