暗棋 神來也暗棋 정보
All-New Chinese Blind Chess
All-New Chinese Blind Chess
‧ Collect various themed chess boards
‧ Use bonus functions to give you an edge in the game
‧ Play anywhere, anytime with over 18 million worldwide users online
‧ Lots of themed chess sets to suit your personal style
‧ Special functions designed to help you to victory
‧ Lively emoticons to enhance player interactions
=Battle Your Friends=
‧ Invite your friends to download the app and add them to your contacts through the friends table
=Additional Notes=
‧ Registration is not required to play
‧ Users can also go to Settings and login using their existing Gamesofa account or through alternative sites like Facebook, Yahoo, etc.
Gamesofa- Fun in five easy minutes
Want to play more?
Gamesofa Website: http://www.gamesofa.com
More Games: http://www.gamesofa.com/mobile/
★ 介面最直覺、配桌最快速,真暗棋無雙!
★ 全球2,300萬註冊玩家,即時真人對戰!
★ 萌!漢堡、仙人掌、鈕扣等各種造型象棋組!
★ 特殊道具偷看象棋,先知棋聖就是你!
★ 超口愛表情符號,互動樂趣UP!
★ 真正專業半盤象棋規則,高手玩家最愛的半盤象棋遊戲玩法!
☆ 原「神來也會員」或「Facebook」、「Yahoo」帳號直接玩
☆ 若您之前使用MSN, Google等帳號登入神來也遊戲,想在手機上繼續使用該帳號,請參考「帳號轉換及登入教學說明」http://www.gamesofa.com/sevensapp/?op=guide
☆ 本遊戲以成年人為訴求對象
☆ 本遊戲不提供「現金交易賭博」,也沒有機會贏得現金或實體獎品
☆ 玩社交類賭博遊戲時的玩法或成績不錯,不代表日後以「金錢賭博」時會獲得相同的成果
☆ 本遊戲依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級
☆ 本遊戲部分畫面穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾
☆ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。
Gamesofa 5分鐘。想樂最輕鬆。
更多神來也遊戲 http://www.gamesofa.com/mobile/
What's new in the latest 1.6.6
Improved process of gameplay