12G Speed Up Internet HD 정보
This is not only an optimal browser, but also fast, secure, speed up and soft
12G Speed Up Internet HD, is a optimal browser, has lots of outstanding features help your browser safe, secure, light and fast.
This app will speed browser to achieve high-quality of surf web and save energy. Download and work immediately with 8G Browser every day.
Working with the fastest web browser you’ll get a lot of pluses.
* Featureseatures:
- Quick and smart search
- Upload and download data speed
- Internet security
- Set desktop mode, night mode
- Simple & friendly interface
- Upload and download speed
- Soft, light browser
- Save memory
- Add bookmark, history manage (clear cache, data, etc...)
- Setting general browser (adjust font size, slider bar, etc...)
- Advances setting, recovery setting
- Add any websites directly to home page
- Watch video fully & fast
Let's experience and enjoy immediately 12G Speed Up Internet HD of High Browser Developer,Inc. to enjoy lots of exceptional features.
It always gets speeder, faster, lighter and booter internet than 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G, 7G, 8G, 9G, 10G, 11G, 12G other browsers.
It is currently available on almost majority operating platforms (both mobile & tablet) all over the world.
Thanks for your using and supporting. Please contact us if you have any issues.